2013年9月18日 星期三



其實一直都希望短租Working Holiday Maker的住處,因為他們要去旅行不想丟空房間白交租,若遇上我此等初到貴境、人生路不熟的新手的話,就真是一家便宜兩家著。

其實一早已經Target了Abigails Hostel,地點十分方便外,又有早餐食,而且風聞乾淨衞生,希望去到見到的是名副其實的!

Social Area

6 bedded room
Address: 7 - 9 Aston Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland

Telephone: +353 1 677 9300
Fax: +353 1 677 9007
Email: stay@abigailshostel.com

When you arrive at Dublin airport you can take the Aircoach bus from outside of the terminal building

The stop you are looking for is O’Connell Street; ask the driver to indicate when you have arrived.

Route 16A
When you arrive at Dublin airport- take the bus located outside of the main arriving hall on your left side (the last stop).
Get off at Upper O’Connell Street and follow the same directions as above.

Mon – Sat: 6.50 – 23.10, Sunday: 7.40 – 22.20

Approximately every 20 minutes
Normal Dublin fares apply (€2.00 adult). Exact fare is needed for the bus, as change is not given back.

Route 41, 41A, 41B, 41C
Take the bus directly from outside terminal building. Get off at Eden Quay- walk towards O’Connell Bridge and follow directions as above.
Mon-Sat: 6.25 – 23.30, Sunday: 7.30- 23.15

Dublin bus fares approx. (€2.00 adult). Exact fare is needed for the bus, as change is not given back.

